Monday 18 November 2019

Letter to grade 4s of 2020

Deer grade 4s of 2020

What I think you should be excited for in 2020 is just the year it self and be you. You will go though some changes in your three years in the Senior Primary. You should look forward to some of the following sports day, galas, exposes and enjoy your time in the Senior Primary. It won’t last long before you are in High School as am I. Enjoy it now and be excited.

From Noah

Monday 10 June 2019

Email Etiquette

I learnt that You have to give a specific subject on what you are typing. 
Another thing I learnt was to use proper grammar when you are speaking to a friend parent especially a teacher. 
You must not be rude to people when you are speaking to them then you are a bulling that person that you are talking to. 
I enjoyed the lesson and I had a little fun.

Monday 13 May 2019

Thinlglink Superhero Task

My character is a Super villain witch will summon a laser sword. He is made of plasticine.  
He is 103 years old .His name is Lazer Hand and is one of the most ferd Super villains in the universe. His rival Lego Man has Super strength. 

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Poetry Task

Poetry is a small meaningful story that can give you information.It can calm the mind.Me and my group did Terminology,poetry writing,black out poetry,Analysing poetry,Imagery and Self-reflection and poetry slam.

My best was the imagery and my worst was the poetry slam I love drawing and I don't like poforming.It was the poetry slam and sometimes I forget to do something.I felt very nerves and I felt like if I made a mistake I would get juged.I learnt the word Abalysing. 

I leant how to expres myself and self manigment.My favourite poem is Brydens poem the most.

Image result for poem

Tuesday 19 February 2019

My precepts of 2019

A precept is a rule that is important to you our someone else like your friends.

When you get given a task don't leave it do it.

This precepts means do not leave things you don't want to pick up just pick it up.
If you do leave your stuff around that is sad but you may be used to it.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

A day in the life and home of a child in an informal settelment

 A day in the life and  home of a child in an informal settlement.

In Khayelitsha we walk to school with no shoes on.
We don’t set breakfast or diner.We are so hunger.
We are same times born with HIV.I lie on a matrix.
School is not so good.My teacher is not nice.School is tuff
but I just make it through school.My matrix is horabill it hurts my back so much.My feet get sore from walking beerfoot the
Whole day.My home has no electricity in it.My home does not have water to.I stub my foot on my door in the morning.I share my penicillin with my friend who sits Next To me.I walk to school at 5:00 clock. I wish I had a heater in my room.
I don’t like school that much.At school I don’t have a desk.My desk is a chair.My little sister  almost fall in the toilet.It was class

Thursday 24 May 2018


I want on the stage and sang like this La la la la la da da da da doo doo doo.
It was the worst ever. I got called stupid. I sang in a high voice.benny to.
Mr R was very upset. The worst experience.He wore funny clothes.
He wore pans that were to big for him. A top that was to small. He had a yellow
mustache.His name was Raymond.

Jack was staring at me. I had no idea why. It was weird.hello he said I didn’t say anything.that was it .It was the end of the day.


Letter to grade 4s of 2020

Deer grade 4s of 2020 What I think you should be excited for in 2020 is just the year it self and be you. You will go though some changes ...